01 2019
Semantic Representation Models of Event
Research on the Way of Event Representation and their Semantic Representation Models
表1 事件语义表示模型
事件模型Event Models | 应用领域/适用类型Domains/Event Media Types | 核心概念及关系Core Concepts&Relationships |
SEM[1] | 通用领域/多类型 | Type、Actor、Object、Role、Temporary、Event、Place、Time、 hasSubEvent(Event, Event) |
Stories Ontology[2] | 通用领域/文本为主 | EventList、EventSlot、Interpretation、Story、 events(Story, EventList)、item(EventSlot, Event)、slot(EventList, EventSlot)、sub_story(Story, Story) |
Storytelling Ontology[3] | 通用领域/文本为主 | Story、Scene、Agent、Event、Role、Concept |
Fabio Ciotti[4] | 艺术人文/文本为主 | Actant、Action、Actor、Event、Quality、Object、Place |
Rossana[5] | 艺术人文/文本为主 | Story、Entity、GeographicalPlace、Dynamics、TemporalCollocation、Artifacts |
ABC Ontology[6] | 通用领域/文本为主 | Entity、Actuality、Temporality、Abstraction、Event、State、Action、Agent、Situation等, 使用follows、precedes等表示事件之间的先后关系 |
BBC storyline[7] | 新闻领域/文本为主 | Event、Storyline、StorylineSlot、Topic、follows(StorylineSlot, StorylineSlot) |
Activity Ontology[8] | 通用领域/文本为主 | Activity、Person、PhysicalEnity、Area、 hasSubActivity(Activity, Activity) |
Event Pattern[9] | 通用领域/文本为主 | Event、SpatioTemporalExtent、ParticipantRole、InformationObject、 SubEventOf(Event, Event) |
LODE[10] | 链接数据框架/多类型 | Event、Agentivity、Time、Space、Participation、Causality |
Event-model F[11] | 通用领域/多类型 | Event、Situation、Role、Quality、Object、Description、 isEventIncludedIn(Event, Situation) |
WikiTimes Ontology[12] | 新闻领域/文本为主 | Story、Event、Entity、Storyline、Location、 subEvent(NewsEvent, NewsStory)、superEvent(NewsEvent, NewsStory)、 belongstoStory(NewsEvent, NewsStory) |
UCPO[13] | 城市生活领域/文本为主 | Event、Person、Place、Duration、Script、 isComposedOf(Event,Event) |
NIAO[14] | 文化艺术/图像 | Entity、Action、Plot、Context、Dynamics、 nextPlot(Plot, Plot)、 prevPlot(Plot, Plot) |
Ramli F[15] | 历史文化/文本为主 | Event、SpatialThing、Person、Country、Date、Factor、 subEventOf(Event, Event)、casuse(Factor, Event)、 producedIn(Event, Event) |
NOEM[16] | 新闻领域/文本为主 | Event、Entity、Time、Place、Situation、Action、Agent等、 关系有:isSubeventOf(Event, Event)、predeces(Event, Situation)、follows(Event, Situation)等 |
事件六要素模型[17] | 通用领域/文本为主 | 事件划分为动作、对象要素、时间、环境、断言和语言表现六大要素。并通过实验发现从文本中获取的事件要素主要有动作、对象、时间和环境要素,并将事件之间的关系划分为组成关系、因果关系、跟随关系和并发关系。 |
SEO[18]* | 学术领域 | Event、Agents、Role during event、Location、Proceedings、Time |
表2 事件语义表示模型词汇分类维度
表示维度 | 事件语义模型中具有相似语义内涵的词汇 | |
事件 | 事件本身(事件类型) | 事件(Event)、故事(Story)、叙事(Narrative)、活动(Activity)等 |
事件相关的集合 | Story、Storyline、Timeline、EventList等 | |
领域相关的词汇/概念 | Artifacts、Entity等 | |
事件的微观表现 | 动作(Action)、情节(Plot)等 | |
事件相关的抽象信息 | Abstraction、Topic、Information Object、Description、文本描述、语言表现、极性、范畴、形态、触发词等 | |
事件发生的情境/环境 | 情景(Context)、情境(Situation)、特性(Quality)、脚本(Script)、场景(Scene)、断言等 | |
事件的参与者 | 人物对象 | Actor、Actant、Person、Agent、Character、PhysicalEnity等 |
非人物对象 | Object、Entity、PhysicalEnity等 | |
事件的时间信息 | Temporary、TemporalCollocation、SpatioTemporalExtent、TemporalEntity、Duration等 | |
事件的地点/空间信息 | Place、GeographicalPlace、Area、Space、SpatioTemporalExtent、Location、SpatialThing等 | |
事件之间的关系 | 组成/包含关系 | hasSubEvent、subEvent、sub_story、hasSubActivity、SubEventOf、superEvent等 |
跟随/时序关系 | follows、precedes、nextPlot、prevPlot、during等 | |
因果关系 | Causality、producedIn、hasCause、hasResult等 | |
相关关系 | related_event等 | |
事件和事件元素之间的关系 | 与地点/空间关系 | atPlace、tookplaceat、hasLocation、inSpace、location等 |
与时间的关系 | atTime、has time-span、playingTime等 | |
与参与对象的关系 | had_participant、involved等 | |
其他关系 | belongstoStory、isEventIncludedIn等 | |
事件元素的特征及关系 | 参与对象的角色(Role、Actant、ParticipantRole等)、参与对象的特征(Quality)等 |
--This table was updated at 10/01/2019.* for NEW ADDED
[1] Hage W V, Malaisé V, Segers R, et al.The Simple Event Model Ontology[EB/OL].http://semanticweb.cs.vu.nl/2009/11/sem/.
[2] Jewell M O, Rissen P, Harris T. The stories ontology[EB/OL]. http://www.contextus.net/stories/.
[3] Nakasone A, Ishizuka M. Storytelling ontology model using rst[C]. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM international conference on Intelligent Agent Technology,Hong Kong. New Jersey:IEEE Computer Society, 2006:163-169.
[4] Ciotti F. Toward a formal ontology for narrative[J]. MATLIT,2016,4(1):29-44.
[5] Damiano R, Lieto A. Ontological representations of narratives: a case study on stories and actions[C]. In:Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative,Hamburg.Germany:Dagstuhl Publishing,2013:76-93.
[6] Lagoze C, Hunter J. The ABC Ontology and Model[C].In:Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications,Tokyo.New York:ACM,2001:160-176.
[7] Rissen P, Lippell H, Chadburn M. Storyline Ontology[EB/OL].https://www.bbc.co.uk/ontologies/storyline.
[8] Meditskos G, Dasiopoulou S, Efstathiou V, et al. Ontology patterns for complex activity modelling[C], In: International Workshop on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web,Washington State. Berlin:Springer, 2013:144-157.
[9] Krisnadhi A, Hitzler P. A core pattern for events[J/OL].http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/images/5/52/WOP2016_paper_04.pdf.
[10] Shaw R, Troncy R, Hardman L. Lode: Linking open descriptions of events[C]. In:Asian Semantic Web Conference,Shanghai. Berlin:Springer,2009:153-167.
[11] Scherp A, Franz T, Saathoff C, et al. F--a model of events based on the foundational ontology dolce+ DnS ultralight[C]. In:Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Knowledge capture,Redondo Beach.New York:ACM, 2009:137-144.
[12] Tran G, Alrifai M, Nguyen TN, et al. WikiTimes’s Knowledge Extraction and Enrichment Process[J/OL].http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
[13] Federici ML, Gorrini A, Manenti L,et al. A proposal of an event ontology for urban crowd profiling[C]. In:International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering,. Berlin:Springer,2012:97-104.
[14] 徐雷,王晓光. 叙事型图像语义标注模型研究[J]. 中国图书馆学报,2017,43(05):70-83.
[15] Ramli F, Noah SA. Building an event ontology for historical domain to support semantic document retrieval[J]. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology. 2016,6(6):1154-60.
[16] 王伟,赵东岩.中文新闻事件本体建模与自动扩充[J].计算机工程与科学,2012,34(04):171-176.
[17] 刘宗田,黄美丽,周文,等.面向事件的本体研究[J].计算机科学,2009,36(11):189-192+199.
[18] SEO: A Scientific Events Data Model ISWC2019
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[1] Hage W V, Malaisé V, Segers R, et al.The Simple Event Model Ontology[EB/OL].http://semanticweb.cs.vu.nl/2009/11/sem/.
[2] Jewell M O, Rissen P, Harris T. The stories ontology[EB/OL]. http://www.contextus.net/stories/.
[3] Nakasone A, Ishizuka M. Storytelling ontology model using rst[C]. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM international conference on Intelligent Agent Technology,Hong Kong. New Jersey:IEEE Computer Society, 2006:163-169.
[4] Ciotti F. Toward a formal ontology for narrative[J]. MATLIT,2016,4(1):29-44.
[5] Damiano R, Lieto A. Ontological representations of narratives: a case study on stories and actions[C]. In:Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative,Hamburg.Germany:Dagstuhl Publishing,2013:76-93.
[6] Lagoze C, Hunter J. The ABC Ontology and Model[C].In:Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications,Tokyo.New York:ACM,2001:160-176.
[7] Rissen P, Lippell H, Chadburn M. Storyline Ontology[EB/OL].https://www.bbc.co.uk/ontologies/storyline.
[8] Meditskos G, Dasiopoulou S, Efstathiou V, et al. Ontology patterns for complex activity modelling[C], In: International Workshop on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web,Washington State. Berlin:Springer, 2013:144-157.
[9] Krisnadhi A, Hitzler P. A core pattern for events[J/OL].http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/images/5/52/WOP2016_paper_04.pdf.
[10] Shaw R, Troncy R, Hardman L. Lode: Linking open descriptions of events[C]. In:Asian Semantic Web Conference,Shanghai. Berlin:Springer,2009:153-167.
[11] Scherp A, Franz T, Saathoff C, et al. F--a model of events based on the foundational ontology dolce+ DnS ultralight[C]. In:Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Knowledge capture,Redondo Beach.New York:ACM, 2009:137-144.
[12] Tran G, Alrifai M, Nguyen TN, et al. WikiTimes’s Knowledge Extraction and Enrichment Process[J/OL].http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
[13] Federici ML, Gorrini A, Manenti L,et al. A proposal of an event ontology for urban crowd profiling[C]. In:International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering,. Berlin:Springer,2012:97-104.
[14] 徐雷,王晓光. 叙事型图像语义标注模型研究[J]. 中国图书馆学报,2017,43(05):70-83.
[15] Ramli F, Noah SA. Building an event ontology for historical domain to support semantic document retrieval[J]. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology. 2016,6(6):1154-60.
[16] 王伟,赵东岩.中文新闻事件本体建模与自动扩充[J].计算机工程与科学,2012,34(04):171-176.
[17] 刘宗田,黄美丽,周文,等.面向事件的本体研究[J].计算机科学,2009,36(11):189-192+199.
[18] SEO: A Scientific Events Data Model ISWC2019